2019 Digital Device Donation Drive
In October 2019, ROANEnet, a non-profit 501(c)(3) advocate for digital inclusion conducted a Digital Device Donation Drive and collected computers, monitors, keyboards, printers, etc. We accepted all device donations even if the equipment didn’t work.

Thank you to our partners who helped us in this drive which were Tellico Village Computer Users Club (TVCUC), Harriman Utility Board (HUB), Harriman, First Christian Church (FCC), Kingston United Methodist Church Clothes Closet, and Patterson’s Home Appliances. And a special thanks goes out to John Shaw, Keith Rodgers, Egon Hillermann for picking up all the digital devices from the donation sites and delivering them to TVCUC.

ROANEnet plans to conduct a Digital Device Donation Drive but we need VOLUNTEERS to help make this happen. If you have a few hours this spring or fall to help with our next Digital Donation Drive, please contact us at [email protected].