ROANEnet Offers Free Computer Training Classes at Loudon Senior Center
By Hugh Willett
Loudon County residents will be able to take advantage of free basic computer training classes to be held at the Loudon County Senior Center.
The classes, which are geared toward seniors and beginners, are being conducted by ROANEnet, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Harriman. Each student that completes the three-hour computer basics class is given a free Chromebook.
At a recent class, about a dozen students began their training by setting up an email address for those who didn’t have one. Students with more experience helped those who were first-time computer users.
Loudon resident Paulette Griffin is a regular at the Senior Center. She said she signed up for the class to improve her skills and wants to take the more advanced class. “This is the first class I’ve taken and I’m learning things,” she said. “I’d like to learn how to manage my photographs and put together photo books.”
The students were introduced to the Chromebook and basic functions such as sending an email. Basic security including the use of two-factor authentication was explained to the class. ROANEnet executive director Dale Beyer explained to the class why organizing and saving passwords was important.
ROANEnet is able to conduct the classes and distribute the Chromebooks at no charge through government grants and donations including thousands of Chromebooks donated by local school departments.
“ROANEnet’s mission is to bridge the digital divide by helping to improve digital literacy and access to information, education and healthcare content,” Beyer said.
Visit Roanenet.org website or call the Loudon Senior Center at 865-458-5445 to sign up for upcoming classes.